G&G In-Person Classes
September 2021
We continue our in-person Boulder Tango Studio (BTS) group classes,
Each month we plan on offering a set of classes, praticas, and milonga in a packaged or bundled format with a schedule that will change from month to month.
We invite you to join this new special group (“Grupo G&G”) and hope that you will be able to attend most of the sessions. Ideally, the group will have up to 30 people (15 couples) and you may register alone or in couples. We will seek to maintain a balance between leaders and followers and encourage switching partners during the lessons.
The entire package includes a big discount (a $130 value for $100)
for September 2021 consists of the following:
5 couples classe
4 practicas
1 milonga
Surprise bonus!
The cost is $100 to join this group.
All students will participate in-person at BTS.
However, G&G will give the class online, so they are not going to be "in person" at the class. There will be one or two largeTV monitors in the room to facilitate the viewing of the instruction. An "assistant teacher " will be present to guide participants: Nick Jones
Group Classes: couples with G&G (7:00 to 8:30pm)
Thursday, Sept 2nd
Thursday, Sept 9th
Thursday, Sept 16th
Thursday, Sept 23rd
Thursday, Sept 30th
Practicas: (8:30-10pm)*
Thursday, Sept 2nd
Thursday, Sept 9th
Thursday, Sept 16th
Thursday, Sept 23rd
Thursday, Sept 30th
Milonga: (9pm-1 am.) *
Saturday, September 25th
The classes are going to be at Boulder Tango Studio (BTS),within the Avalon building.
The Avalon is now a “vaccinated only” venue, so we cannot accept non-vaccinated participants.
This month will not be able to offer the option to attend in-person classes outside of this “Grupo G&G” format (i.e., no walk-in option for the classes). Unfortunately we cannot offer make-up times if you miss a lesson or practica.
*The practicas ($5) and milonga ($10) will be open for anyone (vaccinated only) to attend and pay at the door (and are included in the “Grupo G&G” package).
We look forward to seeing and dancing with you in this new and dynamic group!
Saludos y Abrazos,
- G&G